So where do things stand these days?

Those of you who know me are aware that DH took a job in Des Moines, IA and started last October. That was seven months ago. The house has been for sale since then and in the first six months we literally had one showing. The realtor did a few open houses and nobody who was really looking came through, I call them looky-loos. We had one showing scheduled and they actually showed up but would not even come in the house because the yard is not on a wooded lot. I had raced home from work to get the house ready, needless to say that was very frustrating.

Since the weather has gotten nicer we have had just four showings (none in two weeks now). We decided to offer it for lease option or rent also. The reasons I have heard for shoppers not picking our house range from the bonus room (which is big enough for the kid's game space and my sewing space) not being large enough for a pool table to not liking the drain in the yard. A neighbor talked to the family who didn't like the drain and the real story is that they are buying a spec home that the builder is going to change all of the paint in the house, put up a fence, blinds, washer/dryer and refrigerator - all for less or the same price as my house. And they felt that they would have to change out all of the carpet (being 4 bedrooms and the bonus room) in this 3 year old house. (the carpet is not in bad shape) So how can we compete with that?

Another anecdote is that a house recently went up for sale in our neighborhood that backs up to the river. The man waited until spring to list it, has had very little traffic, and got one low-ball offer, which he declined. I heard he is just going to take it off the market, he obviously doesn't HAVE to move just needs to downsize. There is a difference between a buyers market and feeling like you have been violated. I also feel that all of those fixer upper shows on tv don't help, everyone expects things to be move in ready on a resale. And when they can just go around the corner and find one, why not? Can you feel my frustration here?

The catch is that as much as I want my family together, I really don't want to move to Iowa. The boys and I went there for spring break and it was miserable. DH told me just last week the temperature was in the 30's. No thank you. Certainly God has a plan through all of this, I just wish I knew what it is.
On the up side, I purchased a new camera. A Nikon D5500 with a new lens to go along 18-300. I used it to take beautiful prom pictures and pretty flowers in the yard.
Also, in the quilting world things are going great. Business is booming and I am keeping up with the Snapshots quilt along benefitting St. Jude's through Fat Quarter Shop. My friends Pam and Charmaine and I are also going to start the
Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet Vintage Farmgirl quilt along starting this Friday. That one will be challenging because it is 24 blocks, 2/week for 6 months. I already have the book and poised and ready to purchase the fat quarter pack of her fabric tomorrow (if they are back in stock as predicted). It's true, sewing and quilting keeps me somewhat sane.
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