American Youth Football National Championships.
#3 son CG has had a blast playing football for the first time this year. He was recruited by last season's baseball coaches to play football due to his size. The first week of full pads practice was a rough start since he has a bizarre stomach virus. At first I thought maybe it was nerves about the hitting and pads but fortunately he got over it and it turned out to be a virus of some sort. So the team had a fantastic season and earned the right to play in the National Championship Tournament near Orlando, FL.
It is already day four of this road trip! We have been "busy bees" - ha. We left Huntsville Friday around 6:00 pm and stopped near Ringold GA for dinner and then in Tifton, GA for a few hours of sleep. Saturday we drove about 4.5 hours to arrive at our hotel just before 2:00 pm. Some of the families caravanned but the Henrys and Labellas went on our own. We all arrived safely at about the same time.
Coach brought the equipment and snacks in a U-haul |
Chandler helping haul our stuff in
After everyone got their stuff into the hotel the team had to check in as a unit to the tournament and weigh in. It was amazing to see just how many teams there were. This was the second round of check-ins and it was packed. There are a lot of teams here from all over the country.
Check-in for the tournament |
After check-ins we got settled and had a team meeting. The coaches headed off to a coach's meeting and a few of the moms took most of the boys to Chik-fil-a for dinner. Then the boys did a little swimming. It is really just rough housing in a pool.
Ms. Monica feeling the love |
On Sunday the boys did a practice in the morning and then got to go SeaWorld. Before leaving for the park we got together to give the team mom manager a gift. She has done an amazing job this season. I am sure it has not been the easiest job.
the team at SeaWorld |
CG petting the sting rays |
petting the dolphins |
This was Chandler's first time to SeaWorld. There are two big roller coasters and the boys ran back and forth between them for a long time. I finally pulled CG away and made him go see the sea life. He liked seeing the rays, dolphins, turtles and manatees. I was able to get his name painted in crazy tropical letters, so now he has a name picture that matches his big brothers'. (They got theirs when we lived in Florida). The day concluded with the Shamu show. The boys liked getting splashed. I stayed in the dry zone!
Monday was game day, the reason we travelled all this way. The boys were calm and a bit nervous at breakfast. They played at 11:00 v. a team from St. Louis Missouri. We won 12-0 and so get to continue on in the winners bracket, so there are two more games, Wednesday and Friday.
Chandler's Nonna and Gingaddy (Kevin's parents) and Aunt Pam and cousins Kaitlyn and Morgan came over from Tampa to see his game yesterday and then we had lunch with them. That was really nice!
Today they had practice and are doing their study hall and we may go to Universal later. I can't believe it is only Tuesday!